Jan 14, 2025


  • Newfoundland 1881

The Wreck of the Isabel



Page 8


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For those not used to Googlemaps, use the navigation tool in the top left hand corner of the map; or "grab and drag" on the map itself; or double click on the map to zoom in. Clicking on the green arrows will give further information about that location.

If you use the navigation tool (top left) to zoom out, you will eventually get to a general map of the world, and there you will see various relevant points in England and in Brazil. I am planning to add a separate map to show this, but this is easier in the short-term.

(If the map gets in a tangle, just click on the refresh/reload button on your browser.)

Some problems and points of interest on the map

1. Gull Island Point in St Mary's Bay where the Isabel smashed on the rocks. There is a Gull Island in Conception Bay to the north of the Avalon Peninsular, and this caused some confusion at first. Further confusion was caused by the fact that this Gull Island Point is labelled "Gulf Island Point" on the 2006 edition of the Touring and Exploring Map of Newfoundland and Labrador. But it is clearly referred to as Gull Island Point in the official document defining the area of St Vincent's-St Stephen's-Peter's River in 1996 - amongst several other documents. But there is no doubt that this is the place where the Isabel foundered.

2. Cove at Gull Island where most of the remains were reported as being found - referred to as "Gull Island Cove" in several news stories.

3. Peter's River, nearest town to where the disaster happened, and the place named on the Isabel's official papers as the place where she was lost.

4. St Vincent's cemetery. The bodies washed up from the wreck were " ... placed in coffins ... interred at Holyrood, distant about five miles from the scene of the catastrophe ... " There is a Holyrood cemetery up at St John's, and this caused some considerable confusion. But then we discovered that St Vincent's was known as Holyrood until 1910. It's about five miles from the cove by Gull Island Point.

5. St Mary's, where Thomas Stamp and Patrick Gibbons travelled to report the finds.

6. Salmonier. Telegram from here to the Morning Chronicle on 30 March 1881 "announces the finding of the body of Captain Quick ... It was thought that his body was amongst those previously discovered ... and of which we gave an account in a previous issue, but the question of identity has been set at rest by the fact that the late body found has on its arms the initials of the deceased Captain, and bears such other evidence as places the matter beyond doubt ... "

7. Trepassy. Another telegram was sent from here.

8. Job Bros and Co, Water St, St John's, Newfoundland

9. Job Bros premises, South Side, St John's, Nfld

10. Maceio, Brazil

11. Pernambuco, Brazil

12. Liverpool, England

13. Teignmouth, Devon, England

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