
Married Margaret




Edward and Margaret are listed as parents on the baptismal record of their son Christopher (baptised by St Michan's Dublin 13 December 1726). Confirmed as ours by the address which is Drumcondra Lane - which is now known as Upper Dorset Street - where Edward the engraver (1758 - 1834) lived at Number 88.

This is 88 Dorset Street as it appears now. When the Fitzgeralds moved in in the seventeen hundreds it was brand spanking new and in the most fashionable area of Dublin. The windows in this photo are replacements as the originals would have been multi-paned. And the windows just above the door would have opened onto an ornamental little wrought-iron balcony. There's a full basement and there would have been (maybe still is!) a long garden in the back. The family lived there until 1834, when they moved to what was then becoming the fashionable area south of the Liffey.

I am certain this is where the family Christening bowl would have been used as it was the time when the priest used to come to the home for a baptism, not the other way round. I also think this is where the painting of Murphy (see Introduction on this site) would have hung. Story is that in gratitude to Murphy for aiding Edward the rebel Fitzgerald, the family would exhibit Murphy's painting in perpetuity.